It's a brand new year 13
I’ve got a plan to go visit. The 19th of January I’m heading out, I’ll be there for 10 to 12 days give or take. I’m so excited to get back. I'd seriously like to blow Kansas off the map, nothing personal; it would just be allot easier to get to Colorado without that pesky state in the way.
It’s really hard for me to be here, especially when he feels like crap. I feel vulnerable in a strange way, like any minute someone is going to pull a plug and everything is going to go spinning uncontrollably. I talk to him every other day or so and on the days when he’s beaten, hacking, and sick I feel at odds with everything, so open, exposed, like my personal space has been invaded. I walk around in a cloud, or rather under one. On those days it’s the end, nothing else, just the end, the decline, and that it.
On the other hand, when he’s feeling good, it’s like everything is pretty normal. I can go about my day for the most part carefree. On days like that it seems as if the sick dreadful days were just a flash in the bigger scheme of things. As if it were silly to even have worried.
Come to think about it, no matter what kind of day it is, yesterday feels so far away. Just a kind of memory that the new day over shadows. Anyway, he’s feeling fairly well lately. I can’t wait to see him and take another drive!
It was good to see you even if it was just in picture form.
Brandon and I were just talking about you, so I thought I would check in.
Email me and let me know what's up if you have the chance.
So....about a year ago, I was sitting in a meeting at Warson and Olive and you said that you were feeling melancholy. I grabbed the pen in my pocket and a meeting directory and wrote this poem. I don't normally rhyme words, it's just the way it flowed. It's basically stupid but I told you I would leave you something weird and since you "inspired" this one, here ya' go....
It's called "Meeting Directory"
"Say it out loud"
Distilled systematically
prophetic emotional deluge
storage for few
some say she knew
Kilns and thistles
bells and whistles
there's a sale at Penny's
for a dime or two
Shampooed leggings
constant begging's
last minute sparing
of a life that's true
Sell your thoughts
to a crowd in the dark
no one can tell
if it's black or blue
Open the book
live by the number
closed minds only grow
spoiled food
Holster your weapon
pierce with your eye
look in their mind
for an unfounded clue
Hide from love
dodge all the pain
run from life
I'm sure that she knew
Feed an obsession
angered by a fool
ask them to speak
try to dodge the spew
I met her in church
on a cold winter day
I fear that I spoke
too soon or too few
Approach with caution
bring a gift if you can
put them on the alter
replace the old with the new
Hey C
That was very…umm interesting. Mysterious, cryptic, in an odd way. I like it!!
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